Vegan News May 25, 2024


US Government Promotes Plant Production: The USDA wants to help farmers grow more fruits, vegetables, and crops like lentils and chickpeas. Unlike crops such as soybeans and wheat, which are considered commodities, these foods are “specialty crops” because there are so many of them and they are produced primarily by smaller farms. By putting money into research, improving market conditions, and giving subsidies to farmers, the USDA’s Specialty Crops Competitiveness Initiative (SCCI) aims to increase plant food production and develop sustainable supply chains. This is part of the Biden administration’s plan for agricultural policies to help address climate change. It is being promoted primarily as a way to help the planet and farmers rather than animals, but it could result in reduced animal exploitation. Read more on the Plant Based Foods Association website.

New Protein-Based Sweetener Makes Other Flavors Pop: A US company called Sweegen got the okay from the FDA to use a new natural sweetener made from a sweet protein found in a West African fruit. This protein, called brazzein, has no calories and works well in hot foods. It also hits a different taste receptor than other sweeteners and can enhance other flavors like umami. It’s more than 500 times sweeter than sugar, but it doesn’t raise blood sugar levels. Read more about the new sweetener on Vegconomist.

Ocean Management Could Benefit Marine Animals: A team of international researchers is developing a strategy for managing the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica. It could serve as a model for marine spatial planning (MSP) for international waters everywhere.

Ocean ecosystems are the home of the majority of sentient beings on the planet. While the researchers’ primary focus is on the ocean’s role in climate regulation and human interests, their work highlights the potential for managing large ecosystems in a way that prioritizes the needs and wellbeing of individual animals. As we continue to explore and refine strategies for managing the world’s oceans, we need to ask ourselves: what if the primary goal of such initiatives was to create the best possible conditions for marine animals, rather than to serve human interests? Read about the team’s work on


New Film “I Could Never Go Vegan” Explores Common Objections to Veganism

Filmmaker Thomas Pickering’s new documentary, “I Could Never Go Vegan,” delves into the reasons behind the often-heard phrase and seeks to debunk misconceptions surrounding veganism. Through interviews with experts, advocates, and athletes, the film unpacks common arguments against vegan diets, such as concerns about nutrient deficiencies and protein intake. While the documentary includes some distressing undercover footage of animal exploitation, it maintains a light-hearted and informative tone overall. “I Could Never Go Vegan” aims to inspire viewers to reconsider their assumptions about plant-based living and explore the many benefits of adopting a vegan lifestyle. The film is now streaming in select cinemas across the UK. Read more on VegNews.


Crispy Tofu & Eggplant Lettuce Wraps: These flavorful lettuce wraps feature crispy baked tofu and caramelized eggplant, paired with fresh veggies, herbs, and a savory sesame dipping sauce. This 10-ingredient recipe is perfect as an appetizer or light summer meal. Get the recipe on Minimalist Baker.

Vegan Lemon Poppy Seed Cookies: Soft, chewy, and bursting with citrusy flavor, these vegan lemon poppy seed cookies are a refreshing treat for spring and summer. Topped with a zesty lemon icing, they’re simple to make and require no complicated ingredients. Find the recipe on Baked by Clo.


The Inconvenience Bias

Many people say they would make more ethical choices if it was more convenient. But studies show that even small inconveniences, like walking a short distance or waiting a few minutes, can deter people from doing what they believe is right. This inconvenience bias means we often prioritize our immediate comfort over our values. Being aware of this bias can help us push past minor obstacles to make more ethical decisions, like choosing plant-based options even if they require a bit more effort.


How can documentaries like “I Could Never Go Vegan” help to shift public perception of veganism and encourage more people to adopt plant-based lifestyles? What other topics or angles would you like to see explored in future vegan documentaries? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Stay informed and keep advocating for a more vegan world. See you next week with more updates!

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