Vegan News May 18, 2024


Lancaster University Students’ Union Votes Yes For Transition To 100% Plant-Based Catering: 95% of Lancaster University’s Students’ Union have voted for a transition to 100% plant-based catering across the university campus. The motion, backed by a coalition of student campaigners and academics, aims to address the urgent need for climate action through institutional change. While the primary motivation is not concern for exploited animals, this is a welcome development that will benefit animals. We also support efforts to mitigate climate change because it affects all sentient beings. This development also shows that a small group of people can use leverage to bring about institutional change and highlights the important role universities can play. Read more on Plant-Based Universities.

Lancaster is the twelfth university to pass a similar motion, after Cambridge, Newcastle and Warwick Universities. These motions were initiated by the student-driven Plant-Based Universities Campaign.

World Bank Report Ranks Alternative Proteins Second for Climate Mitigation Potential: The World Bank’s report “Recipe for a Livable Planet” examines 26 climate change mitigation interventions in the agrifood sector, and alternative proteins are ranked second by mitigation potential, nine times more effective than attempts to reduce emissions from animal agriculture. Alternative proteins, which refer to making meat from plants and cultivating it from cells, are quickly gaining acceptance by consumers. The report notes that government investment will be needed to realize the full potential of alternative proteins, just as government support led to massive cost reductions in key climate technologies like solar panels and lithium-ion batteries. Read the full report or GFI’s summary of key messages.

World’s Biggest Dairy Company Launches Vegan Brand: Lactalis, the world’s largest dairy company, has launched a new plant-based brand called “Enjoy!” in Canada. The new line features high protein and unsweetened dairy-free drinks in varieties like oat and hazelnut. This move reflects the growing demand for dairy-free alternatives across North America, with the Canada non-dairy market thought to be worth around USD $1 billion and forecast to grow to $1.77 billion by 2030. Lactalis is one of a number of dairy companies investing in the plant-based space in response to heightened health consciousness, the popularity of vegan diets, and increased interest in international cuisines. Read more on Plant Based News.


Invasivorism: A Horrific Approach to Ecological Challenges

A new idea called “invasivorism” proposes that humans eat invasive species to control their populations. Proponents argue it’s a win-win solution, reducing ecological damage while providing a new food source. However, this is a chillingly callous position that categorizes other animals as “invasive” and then kills them for our own convenience without any regard for their wellbeing. It perpetuates the idea that mass killing is an acceptable approach to environmental management.

To begin to approach this issue, we should assess whether there is actually any harm in the first place. Ecosystem changes are not always harmful to sentient beings. Sometimes they just change the relative populations of similar animals, such as squirrels or ducks of different colors. Humans sometimes prefer one type of animal over another simply for aesthetic reasons, so their reason is anthropocentric. If there are genuine harms due to the presence of certain animals, then interventions can be devised that cause as little harm as possible, such as contraceptives. The important thing is to consider the wellbeing of all affected sentient beings.


Marry Me Chickpeas: This one-pan recipe puts a vegan twist on the viral comfort food, Marry Me Chicken! Simmer protein-packed chickpeas in a Tuscan sun dried tomato cream sauce for an indulgent 15-minute meal. Find the recipe on Nora Cooks.

Magic Rhubarb Pudding Cake: Turn your rhubarb harvest into this simple and delicious pudding cake. This old-fashioned recipe is reminiscent of a cobbler, with a layer of saucy rhubarb at the bottom covered by a pastry layer that’s somewhere between a cake and a dumpling topping. Visit Cadry’s Kitchen for the recipe.


In 1984, the documentary The Animals Film exposed the harsh realities of animal exploitation across various industries. Narrated by Julie Christie, it was groundbreaking in its unflinching portrayal of factory farming, animal testing, and the fur trade. The film faced significant backlash and censorship attempts from the industries it criticized, but it succeeded in raising public awareness about animal rights issues. It remains a landmark work in the history of the animal liberation movement.


A lot of institutional changes are taking place that aim to reduce animal exploitation to combat climate change or for health reasons. If permanent, these changes will benefit animals too. Should we try to combine an ethical message with campaigns to reduce animal exploitation for climate or health reasons, or spread an ethical message separately? Without an animal-centered ethical message, will the institutional changes be stable if alternatives are found for climate or health issues? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Stay informed and keep advocating for a more vegan world. See you next week with more updates!

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