Vegan News June 29, 2024


Activists Avoid Jail Time, But Pigs Get No Help: The British Columbia Court of Appeal in Canada overturned the jail sentences for two animal advocates, Amy Soranno and Nick Schafer, for their peaceful sit-in at Excelsior Hog Farm. They were still prosecuted but instead sentenced to house arrest and probation. However, the farm itself continues to operate without consequences despite years of documented abuses. This case highlights the stark contrast in how our legal system treats peaceful protesters versus those responsible for animal suffering. Read More on the Animal Justice website.

West Hollywood Goes Plant-Based for City Events: We’ve seen a lot of institutional change promoting vegan food around the world. Now the city of West Hollywood in California has voted to make plant-based food the default option at all city-produced events and meetings. While animal products can still be served upon request, the shift normalizes plant-based eating as the standard.

This initiative reflects growing awareness of the benefits of plant-based diets for animals and humans. We hope other cities will follow suit in promoting ethical food choices through institutional change. Plant Based News has the story.

Global Study Reveals Diverse Advocacy Approaches for Farmed Animals: A comprehensive survey of nearly 200 animal advocacy organizations across 84 countries has shed light on the diverse strategies employed to help farmed animals. The study found that most groups pursue multiple approaches, including institutional advocacy (government, schools, businesses), individual outreach, direct animal care, and supporting other animal advocates.

Many organizations expressed interest in exploring new strategies, particularly policy and corporate advocacy. However, funding constraints and complex local contexts often limit advocates’ ability to expand their work. The study highlights the need for increased funding, knowledge sharing, and collaboration within the animal advocacy movement. Get the report on Faunalytics.


Pro-Animal AI Systems

A recent panel discussion at the Al, Animals, and Digital Minds 2024 conference explored the potential of artificial intelligence to advance animal wellbeing. Experts discussed strategies for eliminating speciesist bias in AI systems and developing technologies that can better represent animal interests.

Among the things they discussed was using AI to objectively analyze animal suffering and welfare. This includes the possibility of developing “quantified empathy” to help AI systems understand animal perspectives. As this field progresses, it’s crucial to involve both AI and diverse human perspectives, including ethologists, animal behaviorists, and advocates with direct experience working with animals.


Fast Tofu Broccoli Stir Fry: Try this nutritious stir fry with crispy tofu and broccoli in a savory ginger-miso sauce. Serve over rice or noodles for a complete meal. Find the recipe on The Full Helping website.

Four-Ingredient Chocolate Chip Oat Milk Banana Ice Cream: This creamy “nice cream” combines frozen bananas, oat milk, and vegan chocolate chips. VegNews has the recipe.


First US Animal Welfare Law Passed in 1873

The first animal welfare law in the United States, the “28 Hour Law,” was passed in 1873. It required that animals transported by rail for slaughter be given food, water, and rest every 28 hours. The law provided the first federal recognition that animals could suffer and deserved some legal protection (not rights), setting a precedent for future legislation.

However, the law’s scope was extremely limited, addressing only a fraction of animal exploitation. And it did not challenge the notion that animals could be owned and slaughtered for human use. The law was likely motivated more by economic concerns (preserving the quality of meat) than genuine concern for animal welfare. By creating a law that treated animals as property needing only minimal care, it reinforced the speciesist notion that animals exist for human use.

Despite its limitations, the law is still an important milestone because it was the first legal acknowledgement in the United States that the wellbeing of animals matters to any degree.


How can we ensure AI genuinely represents animal interests rather than reflecting human biases about animals? What ethical considerations should guide the development of “animal-friendly AI”? Share your thoughts below.

Stay informed and keep advocating for a more vegan world. See you next week with more updates!

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